“Throughout the pandemic we supported over one hundred clubs around the world and found several key consistencies we believe need to be addressed”, states Active Entities Founder and President Bobby Verdun. “Step one of that process was reaching out to experts in a variety of fields around the world to hear their challenges, provide guidance, and support a variety of movements Active Entities was embarking on. To that end we created an Advisory Board that is composed of a “who’s who” in medical fitness, small business, and active living leadership”, states Verdun.
Introducing the Active Entities Advisory Board
The Board has representation from 5 countries and features Medical Fitness Association leaders David Flench (President/CEO) and Jeff Jeran as well as renowned behavioral science expert Dr. Michael Mantell, Dr. Joe Kosterich, and Fitness industry leaders Larry Conner and Mel Tempest. “It’s an amazing collection of passionate and successful professionals looking to make a difference in the lives of others”.
David Flench
Jeff Jeran
Dr. Michael Mantell
Dr. Joe Kosterich
Larry Conner
Mel Tempest
A Global Fitness Movement
There are several “pillars” that Active Entities has established in their “Global Movement”: Healthy Living initiatives for deconditioned populations; growth pathways for medical fitness; programming to combat violence against women; and establishing honesty, transparency, and integrity within the active living space. “The Pandemic brought forth a number of opportunities for the industry to improve and grow, and to that end we’re excited to create pathways to do so”, states Verdun.
Geoff Hampton, Vice-President of Business Development for the firm, has brought with him experience and savvy that has resulted in the firm “going live” with successful regional trainings, including the first live event in over a year at Newtown Athletic Club. “The response to join our advisory board was incredible and shows that there are a number of highly successful and knowledgeable people inspired to make a difference in the lives of others”, states Hampton. “It’s why we do what we do, and to have proven leaders provide important insight and perspective will create a powerful offering unmatched in the industry”.
Active Entities launched “Active Women” and was recently featured in Fit-Rec magazine in an article entitled “Honesty, Integrity, and Transparency in the Fitness Industry”. “Kudos to Mel Tempest for igniting Active Women”, states Verdun. “Her story alone is so inspiring, but to see her bringing energy and drive on a day to day basis is amazing”.
Active Entities is hosting its second regional event at Cedardale Health and Fitness in Haverhill, Massachusetts on August 3rd . Similar to the Newtown event, the Summit at Cedardale features a collection of industry experts as well as non-industry specialists with the goal being to broaden the knowledge base of attendees as well as to expose them to different perspectives.
“Our formula for success is to step out of the proverbial box and bring an eclectic group of powerful speakers to each region. Each of them brings new ideas and interesting topics of discussion. For example, we’ve got Dr. David Brendal speaking on depression. Also Dr. Peter Martone will speak on how making minor adjustments in your sleep patterns can increase your day to day performance. It’s not something the industry has seen before but something we are incredibly excited to be able to bring forth”, states Verdun.